Thursday, December 27, 2018


What do you know about London? What would you like to know about London? London never stops to impress me, to surprise me, to challenge me, to spoil me. It is place where I feel my best and my worst. London takes all your energy and then powers you again. I love London, and I truly believe that it is impossible to say ‘I know this city, I have been everywhere’, as soon as you feel like you have seen it all London somehow opens a new, totally unexpected, truly amazing part and it always takes your breath away. 
My name is Rina and I have been living in this amazing place for 8 years, this city stole my heart. It wasn’t love at first sight, but its love, and it’s mutual I know this. 
Here I would like to share my favourite places around London, i can only hope that this page might help  somebody to fall in love with London. 

Rina xx